Open Letter from the Women’s Revolution Organization to Hannah Neumann

Open Letter from the Women’s Revolution Organization to Hannah Neumann
Subject: Congratulations and Support for Hannah Neumann’s Appointment as Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iran
Subject: Congratulations and Support for Your Appointment as Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation on Relations with Iran

Dear Hannah Neumann,

As the Women’s Revolution Organization, we sincerely congratulate you on your election as Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Iran. Your election brings hope not only to us, who have been fighting for freedom, equality, and secularism for years, but also to all Iranians standing up against the oppression and tyranny of the Islamic Republic. We firmly support your efforts in this important cause.

Your remarks about amplifying the voice of the Iranian people and your commitment to creating a platform for exchange and collaboration between Iranians inside and outside the country are especially encouraging for us, who are part of this ongoing struggle. The “Woman, Life, Freedom” revolution, which has become a symbol of the will, human values, and aspirations of the Iranian people, will be further strengthened on the international stage with the support and dedication of committed individuals like yourself.

As an organization representing leading and revolutionary women, and the new movement for women’s liberation in Iran, we hope to work alongside you in even closer collaboration and to play a constructive role in shaping a brighter future for the people of Iran. We believe that with your efforts, the European Parliament’s Delegation on Relations with Iran can become a bridge to reinforce global solidarity with the just struggles taking place in Iran.

Furthermore, we would like to highlight essential issues such as the necessity of placing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on the list of terrorist organizations, countering the regime’s repressive machinery, and expelling it from international organizations. These necessary measures could increase international pressure on the Islamic Republic and pave the way for the boycott of the regime, thus strengthening the Iranian people’s fight for freedom.

While we are determined in our efforts to overthrow the Islamic Republic, we are not advocating for war. Our goal is to achieve freedom, equality, secularism, prosperity, and social justice through the victory of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” revolution, ensuring the liberation of the Iranian people and their right to control their own destiny.

At every step of this difficult journey, we stand with you and walk in solidarity towards our shared ideals.

With respect and gratitude,
For Woman, Life, Freedom
Women’s Revolution Organization

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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