An open letter to FIFA! Protest the gender apartheid regime in Iran!

Sahar Khodayari known as Blue Girl, a football supporter who burned himself, died. She had been sentenced to 6-month prison for entering the stadium. Entering stadium is forbidden for women according to Islamic Republic’s law. Something that is so normal in other countries. It is actually banned in Iran for half of population.

Once again the cruelty of a government was shown. That how brutal sharia laws and culture of Ayatollahs are. These inhuman laws that ban women from attending stadiums. And if they enter, they will be sentenced to prison. This tragic incident once again warns that we must overthrow this barbaric government as soon as possible so that we will not see any kind of suicides and other victims.
FIFA should take action and consider a severe punishment for the Iranian Football Federation. FIFA must sanction the gender apartheid and sexist federation of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Women in Iran are fighting against government, against gender apartheid and against systematic violence against women.
Fifa! Do not be indifferent!
FIFA! Protest the gender apartheid regime in Iran!

Women´s Revolution activists of Iran
12 September 2019

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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